Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Day 13 - Tarfside to Edzell

Thirteen days down, and only one to go!!!

Today was another quick day for us. We were excited that last night would be our last in the tents, and that we would be in our first hotel of the crossing tonight. The boys strapped rockets onto their boots and set a furious pace that had us in Edzell before noon. Our route took us through Glen Esk, along River North Esk. We left the hills behind and are now into the agricultural land which will lead us to the coast sometime tomorrow.

River North Esk And The Last Of Our Scottish Hills In The Distance

Quick Break

Agricultural Landscape

We’ve had exceptional luck with weather this trip, only having to deal with a couple hours of rain in two entire weeks. Shortly after we arrived at the hotel in Edzell, after picking up some snacks and cold drinks, the skies opened up. We were very happy not to have to spend the afternoon and evening stuck in our tents with the wind and rain pouring down on us.  Good fortune found us again!!

After a bit of resting, Ben and I found the billiards room and had a very relaxing game of snooker. Sam wasn’t feeling very well, so he stayed in his room and rested some more.


After snooker Ben and I walked down the street to get a few last supplies for tomorrow’s walk.  We headed back to the hotel to check on Sam and rest a little more before dinner.  Sam still didn’t feel well so he skipped dinner.  Ben and I headed down and both had delicious meals, including some mixed greens which we have been having very little of the last couple of weeks.

Chicken (JM), Lamb (Ben), Greens Arrived After This Picture Was Taken 

Sam is feeling a bit better before bed.  He’s had a couple of fruits and some ginger ale.  We are hopeful he’s going to be feeling better tomorrow morning for the final leg of our hike.

I think we are all ready to complete our walk tomorrow.  It will be a mixture of relief, happiness, and a little bit of sadness as we dip our toes into the ocean.  It’s been an amazing adventure full of incredible scenery, interesting and friendly people, and lots of laughs.

That’s it for tonight.  Thanks for reading as always, and stay tuned for our last post tomorrow!!😊

Day 13 Route - 19.4 km, 154 m ascent

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