Monday, May 13, 2024

Day 2 - Coire Dubh to Glen Pean

I am writing this post a day late. I was so tired after our walk yesterday, that the best I could do was make a few bullet points to remind me what to write today.

Yesterday was one of the hardest days I’ve ever hiked. We woke up after a windy night on top of the ridge well rested and ready for day two. From where we were, the ridge runs on for another 10 km and incorporates multiple summits and many false summits. Our progress was very slow, but the views were some of the best.

Infinity Pool?? (BJJ)

Loch Morar On Left, Loch Nevis On Right, Challenge Start Point In Distance

JM On The Ridge (BJJ)

A Different World On The Ridge

Lochan Rest Spot And Water Bottle Fill

Sam Heading For Sgurr na h-Aide Summit (BJJ)

The descent was very technical and challenging - and tiring!

Ben Looking Good On Descent From Ridge

Having set off at 8:00 am we didn’t get down and back onto a trail until 4:00 pm. Once there we had a 12 km leg to our resting place for the night. It was really too much for one day, but despite that we were so amazed by all the beautiful and interesting things that we saw - lochans, sea lochs, neighbouring mountains, stag herds running across the hills, estates, sail boats, paddle boarders. There wasn’t a moment when we weren’t amazed at where we were, and what we were seeing.

Upper Glendassary After Ridge Descent (BJJ)

Sam’s initial feelings at the end of the day were mixed. 😂 Ben felt it was some of the best hiking of his life. I was exhausted, but was feeling very happy to have seen all of that beautiful scenery with the boys, and proud that I made it off the ridge without perishing.😱

We seem to be starting a new routine when we get to camp. After we set up the tents and scatter the contents of our backpacks everywhere, we immediately head to river or loch and have a quick plunge and wash up. It is so refreshing, soothes the muscles, and has kept us feeling fresh. Next order of business is to cook and eat dinner, followed by hot drinks, and cookies.

We met our first two Challengers today. Yay!!!! Meeting up with other challengers is always nice. Everybody has interesting stories to share, and words of encouragement to give. It is also nice to know that people are experiencing some of the same hardships as you are. We had a quick chat with Ian from Sheffield while we were taking a break a few kilometres from the end of our day. He has already done ten crossings and is looking no worse for the wear! We met Nell later on when she pulled up to camp near us at around 8:30. She is a wonderful lady from Philadelphia. We had several great chats last evening as well as this morning before we headed off. She is on her first official crossing but has done a few on her own. We are really hoping to meet up with her again in Braemar or in Montrose at the end.

Our New Friend, Nell!

Animals spotted:
Stags, and two shed antlers
Frogs: Toad size, regular size
Many sheep, plus two dead ones ☹️
Lizards/newts/geccos (not sure which)
Lots of birds we can’t identify

Health Update:
Sam - Two blisters, one cut on foot still
Ben - Sore shoulder on left side
JM - Sore feet. About a dozen ticks - thank you Sam for pulling them off me. Tonight while picking more ticks off my legs and back Sam said, “I can’t believe I have to pick bugs off you like a gorilla!”🤣

Sam - Chicken risotto👍🏻
Ben - Pad Thai chicken👍🏻👍🏻
JM - Macaroni and cheese👍🏻

Day 2 Route - 21.9 km, 873 m ascent

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